
Politics Behind Leana Wen’s Firing

Bradley Mattes   |   July 18, 2019

Tuesday’s announcement that Planned Parenthood fired their new president didn’t come as a surprise to close observers of this abortion conglomerate.

Dr. Leana Wen

Leana Wen’s association with Planned Parenthood was doomed from the start.

From the beginning, several questioned why a respected doctor from the Baltimore Department of Health would attach her name and reputation to the largest chain of abortion centers in America. Of course, we understood why Planned Parenthood chose her. They wanted to hide behind the respectability of the medical profession by having the first medical doctor lead the organization in over 50 years.

Wen’s motivation for taking the job appeared to be evident in her written statement after her termination. She expressed a naïve goal to refocus the organization on ensuring that abortion “is not a political issue but a health care one…” Wen’s staff even orchestrated a media campaign announcing her new title, emphasizing that abortion is healthcare.

Planned Parenthood’s leadership enjoyed the image a physician would portray, but it had no intention of changing course. Wen’s crime was that she had set goals at odds with Planned Parenthood’s chief mission—to wield raw political power to ensure ongoing abortion on demand throughout America.

Leana Wen had to go.

To ensure a political focus, she will be temporarily replaced by Alexis McGill Johnson, a political operative and former board member.

Wen learned of her dismissal shortly before a public announcement. She tweeted that she had been fired after a “secret meeting,” and the powers that be took little time in demonizing its former president.

A BuzzFeed article of the same day laid the groundwork by quoting unnamed sources who criticized Wen of bringing in an entire “system of insanity,” disregarding board directives, and making factually inaccurate statements. Not to be confused with Cecile Richard’s false (and supported) statements that the organization provided mammograms.

David Daleiden, Karen Handel

If one doubts Planned Parenthood’s ability to demonize it opponents, recall David Daleiden, whose undercover videos revealed that the group sold body parts of aborted babies. Or Karen Handel, Susan G Komen’s vice president for public policy, who resigned in the aftermath of their decision to defund Planned Parenthood and wrote a book about the experience entitled Planned Bullyhood. Earlier, when AT&T made a similar decision, Planned Parenthood accused that company of “corporate cowardice.”

It’s easy to understand that Planned Parenthood’s board of directors would feel frustrated by the numerous unfriendly turn of events this past year.  For example, various states have passed substantial protections for their states’ unborn babies and mothers, and President Trump is doing all within his ability to turn back the tide of abortion in America. Perhaps the last straw for Planned Parenthood’s leadership was the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which has in the past sided with their abortion agenda. The ruling allowed President Trump’s Protect Life Rule to be implemented immediately, impacting federal tax funding.

History is repeating. Planned Parenthood’s board made an almost identical decision in 1995 when their new president, Pamela Maraldo, a former top executive of the National League for Nursing, had similar goals to Wen. She too had to go.

Planned Parenthood’s actions once again prove they are nothing more than a chain of abortion facilities, and that they will focus on maintaining political muscle to keep it that way.

Sincerely for LIFE,

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7 thoughts on “Politics Behind Leana Wen’s Firing

  1. Let us pray for Dr Wen. That her experiences with this company have opened her eyes and heart. Pray for her conversion regarding the sanctity and dignity of life from conception til natural death.

    This article did not even explore the chasm that possibly formed if Dr Wen did not happen to also support the radical sexualization of our children that is also a stated goal of top operators and the previous President. The website and materials promoted by PP are tragic and fall far outside the bounds of “healthcare” as well. (Have you viewed the PP website recently? You will find confused and graphic discussions of sex for “gay or straight or nonbinary” teens, transgender questioning and options available at clinics, and the muddled PP explanation of “consent”).

    I encourage people to read and discuss Cecile Richards’s book. Check it out from the library should you not wish to fund its profit. The book shares the blueprint of how PP seeks to radically transform the behavior, minds, and beliefs of our young people and culture. This mission is massively funded, savvy, and highly motivated. Those who stand for family, morality, virtue, and true human freedom must be aware of how huge the machine is that just fired their most recent president. How far its tentacles reach into education and politics.

    One more prayer for Dr Wen: for her to experience the miracle of her own Abby Johnson moment of clarity. Our medical profession needs heroes for truth and the dignity of life. May Dr. Wen become one of those heroes and perhaps write a book of her own. Shining another light into a corporation with very dark goals.

  2. Andrew Blake’s response serves no purpose, is racially charged and inaccurate (presumably educated)…she isI educated)
    This should not be circulated by LII. I am surprised it was.

  3. Bradley —
    This is Sharon Rodi with LA Right to Life. I have two questions:
    1 — Has Koman stopped funding PP? I found those comments a little confusing.
    2 — Who is Andrew Blake and what are commentators referring to about taking down what he said?
    Thanks. Hope all is well.

    1. Sharon,
      Komen is still funding Planned Parenthood.

      Andrew Blake left a comment that slipped through our blockers and appeared as approved but it was not an appropriate comment. We took it down as soon as we discovered it.
      I hope that clarifies things.

  4. I also wonder whether Leana Wen’s pregnancy that resulted in a miscarriage (If what I read was true)I made PP nervous because Abby Johnson carried a baby to term while heading PP and this probably helped her turn against abortion.
    I pray that now Ms. Wen may again conceive and have no pressures to abort since she is not working for PP. I pray that she can have a baby, which in the US should be more free than if she were in China–but under PP is often endangered.

  5. I am medical doctor, and I believe that for Dr Wen it will be a good time to reflect on the goal of the medicine to save life. Let us pray for her, God just save her from a worse way , that could destroy so many inocent life, of babies in theirs mother’s womb.

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