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Women Don’t Need Planned Parenthood

Heather   |   June 13, 2014

Planned Parenthood will never admit that they’re in the abortion business. As long as they maintain the facade of a “women’s healthcare organization,” they are literally raking in substantive perks.

Many of these benefits come on the taxpayer’s dollar. In fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, Planned Parenthood’s annual report states they received over $540 million in government funding, nearly half the total annual revenue. To put that in perspective, they take in $1.5 million in taxpayer money per day.

Planned Parenthood would have you believe that those dollars fund more women’s health services. That’s simply not the case. While the amount of their government funding has jumped by 49% in five years, total services have actually decreased. Cancer screenings fell by 38.7% during that same time period. Most telling was a sharp drop in prenatal services—a 31.97% decrease within just a one-year time period. Fewer women are being served, while Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers remain at its highest levels.

In addition, during 2012, Planned Parenthood closed 37 facilities. It was the seventh straight year of decline. Many of these were strategic mergers and consolidation of locations. However, the number of affiliates performing abortions has increased every year since 2005. In fact, Planned Parenthood reportedly now requires every affiliate have at least one location that performs either chemical or surgical abortions. Note, they don’t require affiliates to provide mammograms (none of them do), but they must provide abortions. This is very revealing about where Planned Parenthood’s priorities truly lie—not with women’s health, but with abortion-on-demand.

The reality is that abortion remains a big money maker for Planned Parenthood. In 2012, abortions accounted for 93.8% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services. That year, they committed 327,166 abortions. At an estimated average cost of $520 per abortion, Planned Parenthood brought in over $170 million in abortion income.

Aside of the abortion business, Planned Parenthood also prides itself on reducing unplanned pregnancy, particularly among teens. Is there data to support that claim? According to a study by STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood), access to Planned Parenthood does not correlate to a reduction in teen pregnancy. The research showed that Planned Parenthood closed all of its facilities in the Texas panhandle from 1999-2008. The teen pregnancy rate actually declined 42% from 41.5 pregnancies per thousand teens in 1998 to 24.1 in 2010 (Statistics from the Texas Department of State Health Services). The evidence shows that Planned Parenthood’s presence actually contributed to teen pregnancy rather than preventing it.

So, why do we continue to funnel money to a group that’s serving less clientele, offering minimal services, not meeting women’s needs and failing to achieve its primary objectives? One thing Planned Parenthood has been successful at is marketing itself as the leading women’s healthcare provider. They presume to be the only one that can care for the young, poor and uninsured. The Planned Parenthood PR machine alleges that millions of women will be left without crucial healthcare if not for Planned Parenthood. And they use that scare tactic to justify hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funding.

Where will women turn if Planned Parenthood’s doors are closed? There are more options than you probably realize. In Ohio alone, over 600 centers provide free or low-cost care. These centers served half a million people in a given year, which is five times more than the number Planned Parenthood claims to have served. To that, add in 125 pro-life women help centers who offer a variety of pregnancy support services. Other providers include Community Action Agencies, free clinics, local health departments and statewide hospitals.

These services are available nationwide. According to the National Association of Community Health Centers, just their affiliated centers serve the primary healthcare needs in more than 9,000 locations across America. They offer affordable health services for the uninsured, working poor and jobless. Community Health Centers provide preventive care checkups, treatment for illness, immunizations and health screenings for diabetes, cancer and HIV/AIDS. Auxiliary services include dental care, mental health treatment and prescription drugs. In addition, they have comprehensive care throughout pregnancy.

Imagine the lives that could be saved if more women knew about this option.
Pro-life pregnancy help centers are also supported by national networks. Heartbeat International reaches out to those who are abortion vulnerable through over 1,800 affiliates. They equip pregnancy help centers with the resources to launch an effective program. Care Net supports more than 1,100 pregnancy help centers across North America. They train individuals how to offer compassionate support and information about the options when a woman is facing a pregnancy decision. With 1,300 affiliates, The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) offers pregnancy help centers legal counsel, education and training. It also assists the centers to successfully become licensed medical clinics giving them more opportunity to reach abortion-minded patients. Each of these organizations is helping to plant life-affirming centers across the country.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t want the public to know there are options in women’s healthcare. They want to have a perceived monopoly. They want to maintain a system that allows them to continue fueling their abortion business. And they want to keep the taxpayer funding flowing. It’s time we bring that to an abrupt end. Please support state and federal efforts to end tax funding of America’s largest chain of abortion mills.

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